
Konzeption und Evaluation einer interaktiven dynamischen Lehr- Lernumgebung für den Mathematikunterricht in der Sekundarstufe I

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ISBN 978-3-88120-486-6

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Digital teaching and learning environments that are developed for use in actual mathematics lessons must take their conditions into account in an adequate manner. Ideally, they should support learners in the independent development of new content, promote a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts through illustrations, and help to individualize instruction in practice phases.

What are the implications for the design of digital learning environments? Are materials that meet these requirements used by teachers and students in everyday teaching?

This thesis substantiates essential quality criteria for the development of interactive dynamic teaching-learning environments for use in concrete mathematics lessons. It uses numerous examples to show the added value of teaching based on these materials. Innovative research methods are developed and applied to prove the dissemination and acceptance of the materials on realmath.de.